feedback from men
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    Роман, 33 y.o.
    Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk

    Цитата з біблії: Стукайте і відчинят вам шукайте і знайдете всім всього найкщого
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    Ibrahim, 37 y.o.
    Egypt, al-Iskandariyah

    Very good site thank yiu
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    Jan, 37 y.o.
    Czech Republic, Praha

    Vaše seznamka svůj účel splnila, zdá se že jsem tu našel ženu kterou mám rád. Jsme v kontaktu a v brzké době se snad sejdeme. Přeji tady všem hodně štěstí. Jan

    Your dating served its purpose, it seems that I have found a woman that I love. We are in contact and soon perhaps meet. I wish everyone here good luck. Jan
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    Dirk, 44 y.o.
    Sweden, Sundsvall

    ....hittade någon... mycket trevliga !
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    Mark, 59 y.o.
    USA, Myrtle Beach, SC


    I want to thank this website for helping me find the love of my life, Oksana and I will be meeting in the next 9 months and we are making plans to get married and I could not be any happier. I have found a beautiful woman inside and out, and I will be gaining a beautiful daughter who is 8 yrs. old too. Oksana thank you for making me a very happy man, I love you!! 

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    Andres, 32 y.o.
    Italy, Brescia

    Salve a tutti,
    questo sito e' strutturato molto bene e le ragazze sono veramente belle ed educate.
    Si puo' trovare veramente l'anima gemella, se si e' fortunati.
    Grazie ciao
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    Vainikainen, 57 y.o.
    Finland, Kuopio

    Olen löytänyt ystävän tältä sivustolta
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    Pavel, 42 y.o.
    Italy, Brescia

    Ho trovato una splenduta ragazza, grazie a tutti
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    Enrico, 61 y.o.
    Italy, Modena

    ciao sono felice perche' qui ho trovato donna della mia vita...grazie
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    Anish, 34 y.o.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai


    Kristina, 27 y.o.
    Ukraine, Lviv




    I think i have met my love of my life. I dont want to waste anymore time looking for anyone.

  • Married

    Jan Christer, 50 y.o.
    Finland, Helsinki


    Kiitos sivuston löysin sivustolta elämäni naisen jota rakastan ja palvon hyvin paljon. Toivotan kaikille oikein hyvää kesä.:D:D


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    Peter, 31 y.o.
    Australia, Gold Coast


    Marianna, 25 y.o.
    Ukraine, Lviv

    Found someone on this site, she's so wonderful and very beautiful, will be meeting her very soon! Thank you very much!
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    Norman, 46 y.o.
    USA, Slidell, LA

    Great site to get attention mediate, so many beautiful ladies and very responsive to your message, in short time. hope I will meet someone special soon!!!
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    Roberto, 28 y.o.
    Mexico, Sinaloa

    me registre y tengo poco aqui tengo algunas dudas pero creo que este sitio es seguro les deseo suerte atodos y atodas
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    Primoz, 25 y.o.
    Netherlands, Amsterdam

    good site
  • Married

    Mark, 41 y.o.
    USA, Traverse City, MI

    This is a wonderful place to meet a good match! It took just over a year, and a few false starts, until my wife introduced herself to me. Now we are as happy as can be. Her family is delighted, she has charmed all of my family and friends, and soon we will start a family of our own. Of the websites I've seen, this was the best. Good luck!
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    Jaska, 35 y.o.
    Finland, Oulu

    I found a good woman
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    Francesco, 61 y.o.
    Italy, Firenze

    Chi ha avuto la fortuna di incontrare l'amore, faccia di tutto per mantenerlo vivo, perché l'amore non invecchi. E chi non l'ha incontrato, apra il cuore alla speranza, poiché la vita è sempre una speranza d'amore.
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    Romain, 40 y.o.
    France, Reims

    J'ai trouvé la femme de ma vie ici
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    Peter, 43 y.o.
    Sweden, Other

    Already met my girl
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